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"The language has a kind of wry poetry about it"
"...strange and original deadpan lightness"
-Liz Nicholls (Edmonton Journal)
Be able to say I saw them when...
-Nextfest Arts Co.
Enid and the Death Wish
Presented as a part of The 33rd Edmonton International Fringe Festival
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In Enid and the Death Wish, recently bereaved youth find themselves grasping at some semblance of mourning. The play is like a little memorial– imperfect, singular, and strangely hollow. We witness the lives of the left behind in elegiac episodes.
Artistic Team
Stage Manager- Nyssa Bearisto
Choreographer -Abbie Cogger
KAREN- Alex Dawkins
Director and JOSH- Philip Geller
Playwright and VANESSA- Skye Hyndman
Director and CECIL- Patrick Horan
Film- Kellen Jackson
JULES- Roland Meseck
MARLISS- Zoe Pageau
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